Tuesday 26 April 2011


Just experimented with creating low poly gems. The effect was created by making a 64*64 texture and putting it in the reflection channel. I then removed smoothing groups. The effect is cheap but it works quite well.
Texture that goes into the reflection slot
Different colours were made with a flat colour in the diffuse slot.
Arran Langmead

Saturday 23 April 2011

Final Images for company 2

Here are the final renders for the art test. I could do so much mroe to it but time is running out and I have a lot of uni work that still needs finishing

Arran Langmead

Thursday 21 April 2011

Cart Contents for art test 2

Creating some objects that can go in the cart. They will be made so they can be swapped in and out. Meaning I can place multiple carts in a scene and swap out the objects that are inside them making the scene more bespoke.
On the left is an assassins creed style mass of hay. I  will experiment with alphas to add to the effect. On the right is a collection of objects I think you would see in a cart. still need to finish texturing.

Arran Langmead

Sunday 17 April 2011

Art Test For Game Company 2 Part 3

Continuation of the art test. I have added the ivy and done some more texturing. This piece still isnt finished. I will add more damage and decals. As well as normal and specular maps. Still not sure what to put in the cart.

Arran Langmead

Saturday 16 April 2011

Art Test For Game Company 3 Part 2

Experimenting with a stylized look at the moment. I havent done any stylized texturing before so this is a bit more of a challenge. After a fair bit of research and tutorial hunting I think i'm starting to get it. Still a long way to got though. Some of the stuff I have seen on the forums have been beautiful. The sword on the left was made by using a tutorial from poly count. The other textures are made by me (wood is tricky).

Arran Langmead

Friday 15 April 2011

Art Test for a game company 2 part 2

Ok so I have just done a total rework on the textures because I was being stupid with them. Now I have a 4 extra texture slots to use. I also fiddled with the cart to give it a bit of wear and tear and changed the lighting so its less intense.

Arran Langmead

Art Test for game company 3

So I might be taking on a lot at the moment. what with my dissertation, life drawing brief, CG brief, 3 art tests and a training game for Kraft foods. But I love too work so who cares. Also I want to thank the game companies that have taken the time to reply to me though I know they wont ever read this =P

Basic blockout of what I want the scene to look like.
Mandatory Props to go into the Treasure chest

Arran Langmead

Thursday 14 April 2011

Art Test for a game company

This is extended from my space debris art test.
This piece is just a generic asteroid that would be dotted around the environment. I made several different shaped ones that all the fit the same texture

This is a propaganda Sign that would also be dotted around the environment. I did both an ordinary sign and a beat up one.
Arran Langmead

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Art Test For game company 2

Recieved another art test through the university. The brief is to make a cart and a set for it in 5k. We get 10 textures too use for the enitre set. The max texture size is 1024. We have 2 weeks to do this. This is where I am at so far.

Created a blockout for the scene.

Detailed the scene and created a hi poly cart from reference.

Created a low poly cart for the scene.

Created basic lighting for the scene. I wanted to go for something that felt warm. I directed the light to come through the arch to contrast the back wall.

Here I started texturing.

Still Texturing. Added more colour to the light to give it a warm feeling.

Added a window in the corner to break up the wall.

I still have a few things that I need to add. I am going to create a few different objects that can be put into the cart as well.
Arran Langmead

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Currently working on creating realistic rocks for a few projects im working on. I start with a high poly model which is sclupt in zbrush. I use crumple and clay tubes to create the desired effects. Im still working on it but this is a damn site better than my first attempt. Poly count is 645.

Arran Langmead